Our Story about Random Acts of Poetry
Creative minds creating a story 🌹
Chad and Brianna asked her mom, Beth, if they could help reopen her Etsy shop in January 2021. Beth had to close it down due to the fact that her and her husband's Etsy shop became way too busy for her to be able to concentrate on both. She said yes! 😁 It has been going so wonderfully that they opened a booth in The Painted Tree in Georgia.
Beth has a passion for poetry and all matters Alice in Wonderland, and above all, she is a romantic of the most hardcore of sorts, the Jane Austen variety, when everyone, in the end, has a happy ever after. 💕
Brianna is a spiritual adventure goddess who is always seeking new colors the world has to offer. Learning how to create new things and designing is something that brings her such joy. She is a kind human will go out her way to make sure everyone is happy and having a magical day. ✨
Chad is a whole hearted adventurous individual who loves being outdoors and exploring this amazing planet. His passion is photography and loves to capture the beauty in life around him. This shop has brought out a creative drive that hes never taken advantage of and wants to constantly create wonderful things for others to enjoy. 🌎